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Terms-Conditions & Privacy Statement

Terms and Conditions for Use of Website These Terms and Conditions ("the Terms and Conditions") govern your use ("the User") of the APD Services Ltd ("Provider") website located at the domain name www ("the Website"). By accessing and using the Website, the User agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions set out in this legal notice. The User may not access, display, use, download, and/or otherwise copy or distribute Content found on the website for marketing and other purposes without the consent of the Provider.

Electronic Communications

By using this Website or communicating with the Provider by electronic means, the user consents and acknowledges that all agreements, notices, disclosures, or any other communication satisfy any legal requirement, including but not limited to to the requirement that such communications should be in writing.

E-commerce and Privacy

The Website sells financial collection services and/or process execution services online or by telephone through the website. The use of any service purchased from this Website is at the purchaser's risk. The buyer / user indemnifies and protects the Provider against any loss, injury or damages resulting from the use of any services on the Website. The private information required for the execution of the orders / service made through the e-commerce facility, namely the User's personal information, will be stored and used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations ( GDPR). Where applicable, only the necessary information will be given to third parties who provide the services. The Provider does not retain payment card details under any circumstances. The Provider cannot be held responsible for a breach of security conditions that occurs on the User's electronic device (PC or other electronic device used to browse the Website), which may occur because there is insufficient software to protect against viruses or spyware which the User may have inadvertently installed on his device.

Online Payment – ​​Trust Payments Payment Gateway

All online credit card payments are processed by Trust Payments. Cardholders can visit to view Trust Payments' security policies.

Refund and Return Policy

The services provided are subject to availability. If the services are not available or if an agreed service cannot be provided, the provider will, in those cases, refund the client in full within 30 days. If the client cancels orders or instructions a 10% charge will be made for administration costs. The Provider reserves the right to cancel an order or service for which payment has already been received. This may happen if we are unable to provide the said service or if the quality of the service does not meet the Provider's standards. If the Provider exercises this right, the User will receive a full refund without any deductions. Any complaints regarding the standard and quality of the service or products purchased through the e-commerce facility should be directed to the administration team by emailing:

Update these Terms and Conditions

The Provider reserves the rights to change, modify, add or delete parts or all of these Terms and Conditions from time to time. Changes to these Terms and Conditions will become effective when these changes are posted on this Website. The User undertakes to check these Terms and Conditions on the Website from time to time in case there are changes or updates. If the User continues to use this Website after changes or updates have been posted, the User is deemed to accept that they will adhere to and be bound by these Terms and Conditions, including changes or updates of such.

Privacy: casual surfing

The User can visit the Website without providing any personal information. In such cases the Website administrators will collect the IP address of the User's computer, but not the email address or any other distinguishing information. This information is aggregated to measure the number of visits, the average time spent on the Website, the pages viewed, etc. The provider uses this information to determine the use of the Website, and to improve Content on it. The provider assumes no obligation to protect this information, and may copy, distribute or otherwise use such information without restriction.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights

The Provider provides certain information on the Website. The content anticipated to be displayed or currently displayed on this Website is provided by the Provider, its affiliates and/or subsidiary, or any other third party content owners of the type, and includes but is not limited to Literary Works, Musical Works, Artistic Works, Sound Recordings, Cinematograph Films, Audio and Television Broadcasts, Program Carrier Signs, Published Editions and Computer Programs (“the Content”). All such proprietary works, and compilations of the proprietary works, are the copyright of the Provider, its affiliates or subsidiaries, or any other third party owner of such rights (“the Owners”) and it is protected by international copyright laws. The Providers reserve the right to make any changes to the Website, the Content, or to products and/or services offered through the Website at any time and without notice. All rights in and to the Content are reserved by the Owners. Except as set out in these Terms and Conditions, no license or any other right is granted to the User including without limitation under Copyright, Trademark, Patent or other Intellectual Property Rights in or to the Content.

Choice of Law

This Website is controlled, operated and administered by Provider from its offices in the United Kingdom (UK). Access to the Website from territories or countries where Content or purchase of the products sold on the Website is illegal is prohibited. If the User accesses this Website from locations outside the UK, that User is responsible for compliance with all local laws. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Courts of England and Wales, and the User consents to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales in the event of any dispute. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the fullest extent permitted to give effect to the intent of the Terms and Conditions this, and the rest of these Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect. 

Limitation of liability

The Website and all Content on the Website, including any current or future offering of products or services, are provided on an "as is" basis, and may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The Owners make no warranty or representation as to the availability, accuracy or completeness of the Content. Neither the Provider nor any holding company, affiliate or subsidiary of the Provider, shall be responsible for any direct or indirect special, consequential or any other damage of any kind suffered or caused, related to the use, or inability to access or use the Content or the Website or any of its functions, or any related website, even if the Provider is specifically notified thereof.

Privacy Statement

In line with data protection legislation, we must:

  • Only use personal data according to a set of conditions found in the Data Protection Act. This usually means that we will only use information when the law requires it, or with your permission.

  • Use personal data lawfully and fairly and in a transparent manner. You will usually be informed if data about you is being used.

  • Use your personal data for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.

  • Keep enough data about you to provide effective services. However, we will not keep more data than is necessary.

  • Make sure the data we keep is accurate and up-to-date and is not keep data for longer than we need it.

  • Provide you with access to your personal data.

  • Make sure all personal data will be kept secure and take steps to prevent your data from being lost or stolen.


Our responsibilities

Gwasanaethau APD Services Cyf collects, processes and stores information, including some personal information, in order to deliver a service.
We are responsible for managing the information we hold and recognise that this information is important to you.  We take our responsibilities seriously and will use personal information fairly, correctly and safely in line with the legal requirements set out by current Data Protection legislation. 

Anyone who receives information from us is also under a legal duty to do the same and has a set of data protection clauses included in their contract.


Why we need your information

We will use your personal information for a limited number of purposes and always in line with our responsibilities, where there is a legal basis and your rights under the Data Protection legislation.

We will use personal information for the purpose for which you provided the information, e.g. sundry debt collection or process serving to enable us to communicate with you and provide the services you need, and to process financial transactions. Or to comply with various legal obligations or for us to seek legal advice or undertake legal proceedings.


What we will do with your information

When deciding what personal information to collect, use and hold, we are committed to making sure that we will:

  • only collect, hold and use personal information where it is necessary and fair to do so.

  • be open with you about how we use your information and who we share it with; and

  • adopt and maintain best practice high standards in handling any personal information.

  • keep your personal information secure and safe.

  • securely dispose of any personal information when it is no longer needed.


We may disclose personal information to a third party, but only where it is required by law, where that third party needs that information to provide you with a service on our behalf or where it is otherwise allowed under the Data Protection legislation.  We will strive to make sure that the third party has sufficiently robust systems and procedures in place to protect your personal information.


How long we will hold your information

We will not keep your information any longer than necessary.


Who we may share your information with

Gwasanaethau APD Services Cyf may provide personal information to third parties, but only where it is necessary, either to comply with the law or where permitted under Data Protection legislation.


Your information rights

Under Data Protection legislation you, as the “Data Subject”, have the following rights. 

You have the right to:

  • Access the information we hold about you.

  • Request that we rectify any information about you that is incorrect. Simple inaccuracies, such as address changes will be made, however, depending on the purpose for use.  Records, including statements and opinions may not be changed, but there will be the option for you to provide a supplementary statement, which will be added to the file. 

  • Request that records we hold about you are erased.

  • Restrict the use of the information we hold about you if you have raised an objection, whilst your objection is investigated.

  • Request that any information that you have provided to us is given back to you in a format that you can give to another service provider if required.

  • Object to the use of your personal information, including automated decision making and profiling.


Use of CCTV and Body Worn Cameras

Where body worn cameras are used by staff for the purposes of safety and the prevention and detection of crime, signs are displayed notifying you that CCTV is in operation.

We will only disclose CCTV images to third parties for the purposes of public safety and the prevention and detection of crime. 


How to access the information we hold about you

You have the right to request a copy of your personal information, including video footage that we hold about you.  If you would like to do so, please contact Gwasanaethau APD Services Cyf by email or by post giving us as much detail as possible about the information you require.

You will receive a copy of the information held about you along with an explanation of any codes used or other clarification that may be necessary.

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